We assist clients in connection with the financing of aircraft and aircraft engines and we advise them on a great variety of finance documentation including :
The operation of an aircraft requires a complex mix of legal documents and contracts throughout its lifetime. We assist our clients on the review and drafting of these documents, including the following :
The purchase, delivery and use of aircraft can give rise to particularly complex tax issues. These issues need to be considered with care.
We assist our clients on the tax analysis of intra-EU and transcontinental aircraft transactions, with a particular focus on VAT and customs, to ensure that these transactions comply with applicable regulation.
The aviation industry (which includes the manufacture and maintenance of aircraft as well as their operation) is among the most regulated industries.
We navigate our clients through the intricacies and complexities of aviation regulation and, where necessary, help them with their dealings with the civil aviation authorities.
We also register aircraft on behalf of our clients with the French civil aviation authority (direction générale de l'aviation civile, DGAC) and attend to the registration and deregistration of rights in aircraft such as leases and mortgages.
Contracts and business relationships in the aviation industry may give rise to disputes relating to the purchase of an aircraft, a maintenance task on an aircraft or an aircraft part, financial distress or any other dispute.
We assist our clients in these delicate times including through alternative dispute resolution schemes such as mediation.
Odi-sé Avocats regularly advises clients on workouts, moratoria and debt rescheduling transactions as well as bankruptcies. We have a deep understanding of the aviation industry and a long experience of pre-insolvency and insolvency situations, which allows us to efficiently advise our clients on the specific issues that may arise in these situations given the peculiar nature of the business and the assets (repossession, buy-out schemes, continuation of operating and maintenance agreements, dealings with the receivers).
Our lawyers have considerable experience of the outsourcing of aircraft and aviation related services by the ministry of defence and the emergency services of the home office and are familiar with the intricacies of public procurement procedures.
We have drafted and negotiated a great number of contracts and sub-contracts for our sponsor and lender clients in these sectors.
Odi-sé Avocats advises clients on the corporate law aspects of airline businesses, including the setting up of new airlines, share transfer arrangements (including shareholder agreements) and management packages.
We also assist with the setting up of sole purpose vehicles where this is required as part of the financing or operation of an aircraft.
43 rue de Courcelles – 75008 Paris
+331 79 35 07 50