Aviation industry trends – France

The aviation industry faces a number of challenges in 2020 – from sustainability and digitisation to the potential fallout from the COVID-19 outbreak.

In this series, ILO caught up with some of our leading specialists around the world to discuss the three main aviation issues affecting their jurisdiction in 2020. 

Insolvency has been a topical issue in the French aviation market in 2020 with two significant mid-sized airlines declaring bankruptcy at the start of the year and the number of airlines in financial difficulty set to rise due to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The reduction of the level of carbon emissions that the French aviation sector produces is another hot topic, with the possibility of replacing certain domestic flights with train routes being discussed as part of Air France’s state aid package.

In the below video, Matthieu de Varax and Thomas Boone discuss these issues as well as the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic looks set to have on the aviation sector more generally.

For further information on this topic please contact Matthieu de Varax or Thomas Boone at Odi-se Avocats by telephone (+33 1 7935 0750) or email (mdevarax@odise.com or tboone@odise.com). The Odi-se Avocats website can be accessed at www.odise.com.